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The best degree of Turkey

The best degree of Turkey

Sakarya University Advanced Technologies Application Community (SAITEM) succeeded in winning the 7th place in Shell Eco Marathon competition.

SAITEM, participating to the competition with a car titled “Evrim”, covered 145 km/kWh in the category of Urban Concept Battery Electric and gained the best degree of Turkey ever.

In the competition, which took place in a street raceway in city of Rotterdam in Netherland, 217 teams competed with each other.

11 challenging teams from Turkey were there to get successful results. Teams of Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul Technical University, Boğazici University, Celal Bayar University, Gediz University, Anadolu University, Marmara University, Beşiktaş Sakıp Sabancı Anatolian High School, Sakarya University, Şişli Terakki High School and Erciyes University represented Turkey in the competition.

Volkan Çetin, Head of SAITEM, gave some explanations and said “We took part in the contest with Evrim car on which we studied two years. It traveled over 145 km with energy equivalent to 10 bulbs of 100W.”

Çetin emphasized they aim to produce the most efficient car of Europe for upcoming contests and added “Shell Eco Marathon is one of the hardest competitions in the world. The teams are encouraged to design and produce energy saver cars. We had chance to interact with people from all over Europe and so share information in this competition.”

May 27, 2012, Press Office

Transl.: YK

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