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SAU Takes the 8th Place in News Report of Interpress

SAU Takes the 8th Place in News Report of Interpress

Sakarya University is ranked among the top 10 universities in the news report prepared by Interpress. 

According to the research conducted by Interpress which is a media monitoring agency, Sakarya University takes the 8th place based on the number of news of universities in printed media in the first quarter of 2014. Sakarya University is ranked among the top 10 universities which appear on press a lot with this result.

The research shows that 233,294 number of news in total has been published about more than 150 universities. It is stated that the results were gathered through examining about 2,000 national, regional and local newspapers and magazines.

Jul 7, 2014 – Press Office
514 kez görüntülendi.


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