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Collaboration Protocol between SAU and SATSO

Collaboration Protocol between SAU and SATSO

As part of ‘Certificate Program for Women Entrepreneurship’, a collaboration protocol is signed between Sakarya University and SATSO.

As part of ‘Certificate Program for Women Entrepreneurship’, a collaboration protocol is signed between Sakarya University and Sakarya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SATSO).

The collaboration was signed by SAU President Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Elmas and SATSO Chairman of the Executive Board Mahmut Kösemusul. The protocol aims that female students studying at SAU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Faculty of Management will be given certificates after getting mentorship from offices affiliated to SATSO Woman Entrepreneurs Board.

Students will report all their studies to their coordinators and they will participate in all of the events suggested by the mentor.

03/04/2014 – YC

533 kez görüntülendi.

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